For all of the recruiters out there that are or have recruited into the nuclear industry over the last 10 years, do you not feel that the Hinkley Power Station is like someone being pregnant forever but the baby just never comes!
For myself based in Bristol, the excitement of the next nuclear power station new build the industry has seen for 60 years was big news! When I first heard that Tony Blair had approved the future of the UK’s energy was going to be nuclear fuel it was hands to the pump, making sure that we had all the right candidates on the database, that we were speaking to all the main contractors who could be chosen to build the thing and at the time understanding what the build was actually for.
The company I was working for at the time, even set up a virtual office to be in the right catchment area, due to the postcode engagement agreements the local council had asked for, and like so many other companies the cost of keeping that virtual office going to get a sniff of business has been costly, with no return of revenue.
Well this sudden urge and panic was back in April 2006, just a cool 11 years ago and that’s how long I have been waiting along with thousands more of you to get stuck into recruiting for what will be the most significant recruitment I will probably ever be involved with, in this industry.