
How to Close a Job Interview Successfully. “So, when do I start?” A question like that is about as aggressive as you can get at the close of the interview. It may knock the interviewer for a loop and appear to be overly aggressive, but some people think of it as closing the sale.

For some people it has worked. For others this approach may not feel comfortable, or have the same effect. Your comfort level with the close — whether you are aggressive, passive and polite or somewhere in between — will depend on your personality, the interview situation and the job for which you are applying.

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Mr. Feeney, the manager of a product development department, held second interviews with two qualified candidates. He was preparing to make a decision to determine which candidate to hire.

The first candidate, Phyllis, was a very savvy interviewer and had related some seasoned experience stories. At the end of the interview, however, Phyllis threw him when she said, “Well, I’m sold. When would you like me to start?” He explained he still had another candidate under consideration. Phyllis smiled and asked when she could expect to hear from him. He told her the decision would be made by Friday. She had said that she looked forward to hearing from him and working together in the future. Mr. Feeney was impressed by her confidence, but put off by her forwardness.
